Monday, 21 February 2011


20 weeks to go until the Trailwalker challenge, and fundraising is in full swing!  Thank you to everyone who has donated via Team TrekAmerica's fundraising page (, giving us a great start towards our target. It meant we earned a top 20 place in the first edition of Oxfam's fundraising leaderboard last week! Now we just have to keep it up!

Especially big thanks go to the Royal Albert Hall audience on Saturday 12th February! We were bowled over by their generosity. As the doors opened and the Cirque de Soleil audience came flooding out of exit 3, they handed Jennifer & Aneesa more than £300 in just 20 minutes! Half of this went to another great charity supported by the show’s founder (One Drop), while half went straight to Oxfam.  Another big chunk of our Oxfam fundraising target taken care of! What a lovely bunch of people!

For your viewing pleasure, here's Aneesa armed with Oxfam bucket, cowboy hat and the big smile which made so many strangers part with their cash for a good cause.